SCCM Script – Choco Checker (check for and install chocolatey)

Choco Checker example

This is a pretty straight forward script that I end up using in a lot of other scripts. Firstly, it checks for Chocolatey with the “choco” command. If Chocolatey is not installed, it attempts the install. I go over what Chocolatey is and what you can do with it in this post. You can learn how to create scripts in SCCM here. This does not HAVE to be used out of SCCM, it is just convenient.


try {
	invoke-command -scriptblock {choco} -erroraction stop
	write-host "Has Choco. all is good!"

catch {
	Write-Host "Needs Choco.  Trying install..." 
	try {
		invoke-command -scriptblock {Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))} -ErrorAction Stop
	catch {
		write-host "Install Failed"
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